Christmas Gathering – 19th December, Cromer 7pm

No agenda this month, just a chance to get social!
7pm Mike Bossingham’s House: The Old Forge, Corner Street, Cromer NR27 9HW. This will be a more social event, a time to chat and reflect on a very good year for the Party. Please bring food and drink to share.
We are still looking for candidates for the Norfolk County Council elections next May. You don’t have to be a member to stand, just be someone that wants to make a difference! Please get in touch if you want to find out what it involves.
Meeting – 14th November, Sheringham 7pm

Do join our regular monthly meeting. We have booked Room 5 in Sheringham Community Centre, Holway Road, Sheringham, NR26 8NP. It has a car park, though it can be busy. It is a 15 min walk from the Station. There is a great kitchen attached to the room so do feel free to bring snacks or have a cuppa. If traveling is an issue, you can also join in via Zoom.
1. Attendees and Apologies – Chair
2. Previous minutes, corrections and action point updates -Chair
3. Leafletting & door knocking – Plan for County Elections 2025 LD/SG
4. Candidates for 2025 – SG
5. Finance, Lloyds have decided to start charrging us. – MB
6. Regional AGM 5 October Ipswich Institute Report
7. Two News Stories for web
8. Any other business
We will be joined by Susan Kerrison & Tim Dowson who are shaping our Marine and Coastal policy at the end of the meeting. As well as finding out more about our fishing and solution policy, they want to her about our erosion issues.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 4090 1168
Passcode: 642536
Delivering in Fakenham and the Raynhams, 26 October
We managed to get a few more rounds done last Saturday but still more to do! Do join us if you can on Saturday 26 October to deliver leaflets in Fakenham, our target seat for the Norfolk County Council Elections.

Meet in the in Flour and Bean, 2 Market Place NR21 9AS between 10 and 10:30 am and you can pick up some rounds. You can pair up or leaflet singly if you prefer and we would appreciate any time you can spare even if it is just an hour. A wooden spoon can be a big help and save your fingers when meeting the extra springy letter boxes. Do contact me or Stephen Green if you can help. If you can not make it on the day you can pick up leaflets by arrangement or we can deliver them and leaflet when it suits you.
Follow us on Facebook (@nngreens), and Instagram (northnorfolkgreenparty) for news and updates. If you have any suggestions for content for social media do send it to me, preferably with a picture.
If you can help the local party with a regular donation here are our bank details: Sort code 30-99-50 Account: 35063260 NORTH NORFOLK GREEN PARTY
Just a reminder to join our Whats App Group to receive regular updates and help coordinate our activities, by clicking the link