Welcome to North Norfolk Green Party

The Norfolk Green Party is part of the regional Eastern Green Party, and nationally part of the Green Party of England & Wales.

The Green Party is sustained by grassroots supporters helping us build our movement (we don’t rely on funding from big business or unions). Please consider joining us or donating whatever you can to help our work.

If you would prefer to make a direct donation to the North Norfolk Green Party, this can be made via bank transfer. Lloyds Bank: Sort 30-99-50 A/C 35063260

And we are always looking to recruit new members, so if you want to join our Green Wave, get in touch or ‘like’ our Facebook Page .

‘The Greens are perfectly poised to become a major force on the British left.’ Guardian October 2021

We’re working hard to improve your area


Benjamin Court Campaign

Benjamin Court was a Reablement Unit in Cromer to prepare people for going home after a stay in hospital. Not everyone can go straight home and so this was a valuable resource for North Norfolk. This was closed last year and the Benjamin Court Campaign was started by the North Norfolk TUC Group which the Green Party has supported from it’s initiation.

The Campaign is at a critical stage as the ICB has decided to hand this part of Benjamin Court back to NHS Property Services for disposal. This is against the wishes of NNDC, many local Parish and Town Councils and our new MP, some 4,000 signatures on a petition and the Healthwatch survey which showed the vast majority of respondents wanted it to continue as a Reablement unit.

Currently the Benjamin Court Campaign is not giving up and now is researching ways forward, as is NNDC and our MP.


Support our local Refill room!

If you are in Cromer do pop in to The Refill room which based within Cromer’s independent florist Sea of Flowers. Jessica created the refill room back in 2021  because she suffers with eczema and has young children which made her want to use more natural products on their skins and around the home,  She also wanted to cut down the endless plastic she was throwing away. With these issues on her mind and having the space within  her already busy little business Cromer’s first refill room was born.. Read More


Meeting, Thursday 6 March, Sheringham 7pm

Do join our regular monthly meeting. We have booked Room 5 in Sheringham Community Centre, Holway Road, Sheringham, NR26 8NP. It has a car park and it is a 15 min walk from the Station. There is a great kitchen attached to the room so do feel free to bring snacks or have a cuppa. If traveling is an issue, you can also join in via Zoom.

We will be joined by Anne Gayfer the policy development coordinator and the convenor for land.

If you have anything you would like on the agenda do let me know.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 814 4090 1168

Passcode: 642536

Other meeting dates for your calendar:

Thursday 3 April

Thursday 15 May

Thursday 12 June

Thursday 10 July

Thursday 14 August

Thursday 18 September

Thursday 16 October

Thursday 13 November

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